We believe that teaching water safety saves lives. Our mission is to provide effective, accessible and engaging aquatic programs for all ages and abilities.

At Redmond Aquatic Academy we believe that teaching water safety saves lives. We believe that learning to swim opens up a world of recreational and fitness opportunities that span a lifetime. Our mission is to provide effective, accessible and engaging aquatic programs for all ages and abilities. How does Redmond Aquatic Academy Program work? Redmond Aquatic Academy programming is based on a progressive levels structure. The program starts with Waterbabies, which is a parent and child water safety and skills program for infants and toddlers.
Our swim lesson program begins with 3 progressive preschool levels that provide the basics of water safety, skills acquisition and building blocks of stroke development. After the preschool levels (or beginning here if the child is over age (6) are the 6 and up Basic levels (White, Orange and Green.) After completing the 6 and up basic levels, parents and participants can choose to continue to the Swim-for-Life recreational track and complete the Blue and Black levels, or branch off to the competitive swimming track; Junior Eels and RACE.
(Participants will be evaluated on the first day of each session and placement may be adjusted by the instructor.)
Pre-School Levels
Preschool Level 1
Preschool Level 2
Preschool Level 3
Age 6 & UP Levels​
White Level
Orange Level
Green Level
Blue Level
Black Level
Junior Eels Track​
Junior Eels is designed for participants who are sincerely interested in competitive swimming. This is a feeder program for the RACE swim team.
Level Entry Requirements and Progressions
-- Requires parent to be in the water with baby.

-- No swim experience necessary. Ability to participate in a class environment.
-- Comfortably submerge head for 3-5 seconds with bubbles.
-- Streamline front and back glide with kicking for 5-10 meters.
-- No experience necessary for this level.
-- Float on front and back for 5 seconds and recover to a vertical position.
-- Float on front and back for 5 seconds and recover to a vertical position.
-- Front crawl with side to side breathing and backstroke for 10-15 meters. The Blue/Black
levels are combined and requires students to swim laps, 25 meters+